I know everyone wants details (Nana and grandpa called this morning) so I'm just gonna post it. Homecoming was so much fun!!!! Serena was there, as well as Liz (famous for asking my dad if he was OK to drive after the Lithuanian festival), even though she doesn't go to our school. We danced for most of the 4 hours, even though half the songs were in Spanish. It was almost like a rave, even though it was outside; it was crowded, loud, and there were glow-sticks and fog from a machine. After a while, you weren't exactly sure who you were dancing with. I didn't even know a few people, but they were friends of friends. It was a lot of fun, except for the abrupt "get out, the dance is over" 11-o-clock ending. I spent the night as Serena's and now, even though my feet and hips hurt, I'm still glad I went. So far, out of high school experiences, homecoming was good! I'm glad I went =)
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