No summer would be complete without our annual ritual of a Grease screening on the chilly but fab Santa Monica pier!!!! Unfortunately, none of the regulars could join Donna and I, but we had a blast anyway, belting out tunes like we were Sandy and Danny themselves!!!! The seating was ideal, the picture quality was fine, and the kettle corn booth was in full function to add to the awesomeness of the experience. Nothing like straining your voice (and hips) to Greased Lighting in the freezing ocean air!!! We hope that Di, V, and J will be able to appear next year. Although I'm not sure if the west side would be ready for that amount of fabulousness... All in all, it was amazing!!!! IT'S THE ONE THAT WE WANT!!!
So sad I missed it, but a summer really isn't complete with out it! Next year for sure!!!