The girls have done it again; their Sunday brunch birthday blow-out was a complete hit! Everyone munched on yummy treats while battling the winds next to Do's still all-too-fabulous pool. Gigi even made a special appearance, direct from Phoenix, AZ, to commemorate the occasion. The twins stumped us all with their "Which Twin Was It?" quiz, which had us locked in fierce competition with five finalists! (One of which, surprisingly, was my dear old dad). Victoria, of course, took home the prize, while Mark's mother Ruth was given a special consolation prize, one which she refused to let go of. Many Twin fans were present, including neighbors Shaun and Myra, Arizona native Steve Anna, and new addition Roy, who will hopefully be returning some time soon. The entire afternoon was too fab for words. The twins have proved themselves, once again, to be the all-star hostesses with the excellent cheese-and-egg souffle.
Very well done, my dear! Gigi